Step 1: Install eePDF PDF to Word OCR Converter

You can use eePDF PDF to Word OCR Converter as a scanned PDF to HTML converter.
The free trial version of eePDF PDF to Word OCR Converter can be used free for 100 times. If you want to download the free version, please click here:Download
If you want to buy the full version, please click here:Buy Now

Step 2: Run eePDF PDF to Word OCR Converter

To double click the icon of eePDF PDF to Word OCR Converter is the quickest way to open this scanned PDF converter. But a safer way is recommended here: you should right click the icon of eePDF PDF to Word OCR Converter, > choose Open. When the interface of eePDF PDF to Word OCR Converter below appears on the computer screen, please proceed to the next step:

Figure 1: The interface of eePDF PDF to Word OCR Converter

Step 3: Input PDF files

You can directly drag the PDF files you want to convert to the list box of eePDF PDF to Word OCR Converter, where you can view the file names and file sizes of those PDF files.
You can also input PDF files by clicking the Add PDF File(s) button.
If you want to remove or delete PDF files displayed in the list box, you can click Remove All to remove all the PDF files in the list box or select the PDF files you want to remove and click Remove to remove some PDF files in the list box.

Figure 2: The buttons to add and remove PDF files

Step 4: Initiate the OCR function

There are six options on the list menu of Output Options combo box with regard to the OCR function. With the OCR features, your computer is able to recognize characters in scanned PDF files in six languages including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
The rest seven options on the list menu are for normal PDF files, such as Text Only.
Take option 9 as an example, if the scanned PDF file you want to convert is written in French, you should choose option 9.Then, the computer can recognize French in the scanned PDF file, and converts the content to editable Word document.

Figure 3: Six OCR PDF file options

Step 5: Convert from scanned PDF to DOC

Because the default output format is DOC, you do not need to set output format again. Hence, you should click Convert, >select a folder in the Browse for Folder dialog box, > click OK to export the output document to the selected folder.

Figure 4: Select a folder

Step 6: Convert DOC to HTML

This is the last step to convert scanned PDF to HTML. You should open the newly converted DOC documents in MS Office, and save them in HTML format one by one. You can do as follows: Click File; >click Save As to open the Save As dialog box; > select Web Page(*.htm, html) or Web Page, Filtered (*.htm, html) as the format in the Save as type combo box; > click Save to close the Save As dialog box.

Save As dialog box

Step 7 Evaluation

The following comparison between the original scanned PDF file and the new XML document can show you how well you can convert scanned PDF to XML via eePDF PDF to Word OCR Converter. The content has been correctly converted from PDF to XML.

How can I convert scanned PDF to XML in a fast and safe way?

It is very easy for you to convert scanned PDF to XML, on condition that you have a professional PDF document converter like eePDF PDF to Word OCR Converter. The OCR features within eePDF PDF to Word OCR Converter enable the computer to recognize six languages in the scanned PDF files. Hence, you can convert a scanned PDF file to editable Word document via eePDF PDF to Word OCR Converter first, and then save the created Word document in XML format. In this way, you can convert PDF to XML and other formats like DOT and HTML. The instruction below shows you how to convert scanned PDF to XML step by step. You can try to do it as following: